Georgetown College is proud to offer our 大学到教会的事工团队, 免费, to any Church or Organization that could use them.


  1. Our students love the opportunity to help with or lead worship on a 星期天的早上. 我们有几个学生, faculty and staff who are wonderful preachers, as well as several students who are musically talented.
  2. For 星期三或星期天 与青少年 we offer some games, a devotion, and small group discussions based on any of these themes:
    • 按照上帝的形象创造的
    • 创建护理
    • Vocation
    • 人人平等
    • Love and God
    • 登山宝训
    • 我们不完美
  3. For 周三或周日有k -6年级的孩子 we offer games and lessons based on these 4 themes:
    • 创建护理
    • Missions
    • Jonah
    • 上帝创造了动物
  4. Our teams of college students also make great weekend leaders for 青年撤退, and are amazing helpers for churches looking to have some extra hands during a 街区聚会/社区活动.

Please consider having our teams come and serve at your church.

To questions, requests, or comments, please email h(电子邮件保护)